Santhivardhana Special Residential School is often referred to as a country school in the village because of its community atmosphere and beautiful surrounds. At Santhivardhana Special Residential School we have a proud special academic tradition and strive to maximise every learning opportunity to shape our special students’ future through high quality, values enriched teaching and learning.
The whole school community works together to ensure every child has a positive, happy and rewarding school experience. As part of this investment in our children’s special education, we are seeking to supplement the school’s funds through establishing a Building Fund for Santhivardhana Special Residential School.
Donations to the Building Fund can be made at any time and assist the construction of school building, upgrade and maintain its facilities. Current and future students will enjoy the benefits of the Building Fund with new projects being undertaken when sufficient funds become available.
Our priorities include:
- Construction of class rooms
- Electrification ( Wiring, Tube lights and Fans)
- Providing a spacious playground with all play items
- Master kitchen with an appropriate utensils
- Well-furnished dining hall with stainless steel tables
- Beds and movable equipments
We invite you to provide a donation to the Building Fund to invest in our special children’s (physically and mentally challenged) future and continue the proud traditions of management involvement in Santhivardhana Special Residential School. Any size donation will be greatly appreciated. Donations may be acknowledged in the list of donors displayed in the school, unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous.
Please help us make a difference to our present and future most deprived and special students and continue the proud tradition of “shaping futures” through Santhivardhana Special Residential School.
Check Below for Building Plan
Footings Section-Santhivardhana
Footing Layout-Santhivardhana model