A word from Mr. Veerababu Rayavarapu, Director.
In his famous book “Social contract” Jean-Jacques Rousseau says, “Man is born free but everywhere chains”. Even now in this 21st century all was born equal but not brought up equally. Some are born by birth itself with inequality. Personally, I am a physically challenged and I know the social, physical, and psychological discrimination, not only in the society but even in the family. We are living in the era of equal human rights which are based on liberty, equality, and human dignity. Yet, they are not reaching to the real victims. I have a dream that every Intellectual Disabled and physically challenged child should gain equal opportunity for health, education, nutrition, and livelihoods for well social being for holistic development. If not, entire world at least let me do even in my own area.
To keep my dream into an action I have started ‘Santhivardhana Residential Special School’ for the welfare of physically and Intellectual Disabled children.More than 150 children are taking shelter, food, education, regular health check-up and physiotherapy in this school. Every child have a separate challenge and problem with mentally and physically challenged. However, I am striving to surplus them for overall development.
I have only one faith that a sincere effort will always end in good results.
R. Veerababu,
Founder & Executive Secretary
Santhivardhana Residential Special School